Simply Awesome
The animation was fluent, the voice was clear and dramatic and I pretty much laughed all the way though
One problem though, I didn't have to press space :(
Simply Awesome
The animation was fluent, the voice was clear and dramatic and I pretty much laughed all the way though
One problem though, I didn't have to press space :(
Quite fluid and went well with the more rocky sonic 2 boss theme
I enjoyed it.
Also, loved the Devil May Cry sounds you managed to get in there. Gotta love Dante for the crap he comes out with when he's taking people into the air
Thanks! Rock on, I also love me some DMC.
Loved it
Fast Paced, exciting (Can CITV BE Exciting...i dunno) and great animation all round
Harry just gave it another push in the right direction too
Good job!
p.s. If my computer suddenly did that, i'd have to put a baseball bat to it for being possessed....fowl demon!
We probably ended up making it sound more exciting than it actually is, but then that's why advertising exists.
Wow, Very Fluent Animation
I knew something good was coming when the background was animated like it was in the actual games (Where did you get those sprites, by the way? I'm going to take a guess that you ripped them yourself though).
When the actual Level scene came up, that defiantly brought back memory's of the Green Hill Zone from the original game...although it does look like Dr. Robotnik (I just can't resort to calling him it childhood memory's if you will) was carrying a little bit more, shall we say, body slicing potential.....but at least he got owned like usual.
Oh, and one last thing to say..."Sonic Boom...When Trying To Make You Entrance A Little Bit More Special, Add Nuclear Explosions"
You Score A 10 On The Awesome Scale
This was something that brought back memorys of Looneytoons and, in particular, roadrunner (even though the chicken wasn't exactly moving, the defenses and his the foxes stupidity made sure it didn't need to) and, as you said, Wile E Coyote.
The little jokes include in this kept true to that hommerage (Meaning that they we're predictible most of the time :D) and this flash is all the better because of it. . The animation was also really, really smooth, which I would like to congratulate you on
It must have also been tough to actually keep plowing on with this. I know you had motivation to do it due to this being your final project, but I would expect this type of animation to be done in full length cartoons. The quality there basically means you should have been paid to do this :P
Well, with this, I hope you passed your final year with flying colours, because if it didn't, those people might need to get their eyes checked
Oh, and on a side note, I guess i'm pretty rude reading all of them loading comments after the movie loaded and I also hope you went for good old beans on toast :D
haha nice
You know, I just can't get enough of this. The random pictures you included were a nice touch but you could have just had Vegeta simply doing random things. It would have the exact same effect
If anyone doesn't find him saying Tom Jones funny or indeed don't enjoy this flash at all, you really need to get a humour check.
Sure, the beginning audio sync with Vegeta was a bit off, but that soon corrected itself....Well done mate, you deserve your front page and 2nd place trophy :D
Not bad
I actually quite liked this one, and it does turn out that it has a sort of plot *slaps face* omg!
Anyway, to begin with, try using a preloader. As you probably know, preloaders will stop the movie from playing until it is fully loaded, at which point the play button appears and takes the user to the next scene/frame. They are actually quite useful and is already made for you (Thanks NG)
Also, I could see that the animation was going out of sync in places. Remember when making something like this, try and make it look as natural as possible. This will probably take many many trys of simply playing the animation over and over again, but once you've got that down, your movies will definatly get better ratings.
Keep it up :D
I smiled :)
Anyway, good stick animation. After watching that I can now say your description makes sense :P
But anyway, moving right along, the plot for this seemed to me like a simple one, one stick beating the crap out of the other...which is good :)
Not bad
Ok, to start off with, that instrumental was actually quite good. I actually liked it.
Moving onto the animation, it seemed OK, but it did seem a little out of sync. Considering the guitar bit of this instrumental, you actually managed to do a good job, but as I've mentioned, it did go a little out of sync in some parts (lke the beginning, for example)
I know that syncing animation to music is difficult, I mean, I've tried to do it and it took me awhile to figure out exactly how to do it. Oh, and to mention the drummer, longest arms in the world :P
Haha thank's. It kept screwing around with trying to get it in sync but towards the end i started getting fidgity and stuff.
Lol about the arms on my drummer. I was gunna move his shirt with his arms (redraw tehm) but i forgot to.
If all these people are predicting the world is going to end, what would they say if they was? "Wow, i was rig..." *boom* Congratulations, you've won the star prize of death for your correct prediction!
Age 35, Male
A sort of till guy
Joined on 2/5/06