Simply Awesome
The animation was fluent, the voice was clear and dramatic and I pretty much laughed all the way though
One problem though, I didn't have to press space :(
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Simply Awesome
The animation was fluent, the voice was clear and dramatic and I pretty much laughed all the way though
One problem though, I didn't have to press space :(
Quite fluid and went well with the more rocky sonic 2 boss theme
I enjoyed it.
Also, loved the Devil May Cry sounds you managed to get in there. Gotta love Dante for the crap he comes out with when he's taking people into the air
Thanks! Rock on, I also love me some DMC.
I love it, but just to put me in the minority, I'm going to vote 4 for this.
I agreed with this all the way. Hell, it could even improve my flash skill by 100%!! Wooop.
Keep it up
(Note: My flash skills are 0)
*looks towards the date the flash was submitted* Haha, epic
But anyway, the controls were extremely deep. I mean I had to press space to get that potion and tap space to pull out that sword. I even along the way pressed space to throw the beat down on those monsters
I was close to dying at points, but then I pressed space and everything was alright again.
Protip: Press space, for some reason it seems to work
Very...VERY Addictive
Wow, I can't believe I got so engrossed into this. It's a great tower defence game that I could possibly play for a lot longer then I just have
I think I got to level 43 then got completely overwhelmed by the bloons....they were never ending and got though all my cunningly placed traps :(
Graphics wise, it's alright too, but the replayibilty value is really, really high.
Guess I'm just a sucker for these types of games XD
10/10 5/5
Good First Game
For your first game, this is actually quite good. I liked how you made it so whenever you go onto the sand with your bike you actually slow down, which makes it a bit more difficult
In future though, I would recommend actually posting controls. Some people might not assume that the arrow keys actually control the bike. Other then that though, I liked it, plain and simple with a clear goal, to finish the race :)
Not bad
Well, I've listened to this many times over, and I personally think this is a very good beat
It's very soothing in places, so I think you've managed to get your original reason for making this track across...good job
Not just win....Epic win
I could see this working in a Sonic game, it's that good :D
You sir, have made a song purely made of epic win. For your epic win, i'll have to download this song soon :D
Seriously, I thought this was pretty awesome
I haven't played Sonic Adventure 2 in awhile, and I did like the original Adventure better, but your remix of nice song was pure bliss to my ears. Everything seemed to fit into place perfectly
And, didn't know Live and Learn by Crush 40 was part of the theme, i'll have to have a look for it :P
If all these people are predicting the world is going to end, what would they say if they was? "Wow, i was rig..." *boom* Congratulations, you've won the star prize of death for your correct prediction!
Age 35, Male
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Joined on 2/5/06